Which Is Healthier, Green Tea Vs. Milk Tea?

Which Is Healthier, Green Tea Vs. Milk Tea?

If we try to think about the most consumed drink in the world, then tea will come second to none but water. Interestingly, all types of tea, be it green or black, comes from the same plant i.e. Camellia sinensis. The difference only lies in processing and oxidation that makes the difference.

Without adding anything to it, tea or it’s leaves contain hardly any calories, fat, sodium, carbonation or sugar. Tea contains antioxidants and is known to have many health benefits, including reducing the incidence of diabetes.

Which Is Healthier Green Tea Vs. Milk Tea Diet Drink?

GREEN TEA -Green tea leaves do not undergo fermentation and hence, don’t go through the oxidation process which black tea undergoes. This retains an extremely rich amount of EGCG (epigallactocatechin gallate), a popular antioxidant known for fighting heart disease, strokes, cancer and more.

BLACK TEA -The EGCG in black tea is destroyed during the fermentation process which makes it low in this powerful anti-oxidation.

Green Tea Vs. Milk Tea

We have compiled some points of comparison about Green Tea Vs. Milk Tea.

Green Tea Vs Milk Tea

Do Peanuts Cause Weight Gain?

Do Peanuts Cause Weight Gain?

Before we go ahead and discuss the effects of eating peanuts on body weight, let’s see what nutrition we derive from one serving of peanuts which is about 28-30 g, which counts to about 30-40 peanuts.

Peanuts with weight gainOne serving of dry-roasted peanuts has 170-180 calories.

A handful of peanuts contains about 14 grams of fat, which equals approx. 130 calories.

How to Lose Weight Eating Peanuts

If had in moderation, peanuts instead of causing weight gain may help you lose weight because they’re packed with power nutrients that make you feel full i.e. protein and fiber.

·      Fiber adds bulk and volume, which promotes the feeling of fullness.
·      Protein in peanuts slows down the movement of food from the stomach, which prolongs satiety.
·      Fiber and protein prevent spikes in blood sugar, and stabilize blood sugar and thus helps you maintain a healthy weight.

How many peanuts to eat

By limiting portions and replacing some of the other proteins with peanuts rather than adding them to your regular diet.
As long as you remain within recommended calories, eating a handful will not make you gain weight.


  • Avoid honey or caramel coated peanuts.
  • Avoid salted or fried versions of peanuts.
  • Avoid having peanuts as comfort foods to stay warm in winters.
  • Chew peanuts properly before ingesting.
Go ahead and reap the health benefits of crunchy peanuts but remember…moderation is the key to an optimal weight!!
Stay blessed & Live Life More.
Aloe Vera Juice – A Miracle Drink For Weight Loss

Aloe Vera Juice – A Miracle Drink For Weight Loss

Aloe vera –the cactus like plant with fleshy stem and spiny leaves is commonly found in your kitchen gardens.

Aloe_vera juice-weight-loss-tips

Ever wondered why it is called a miracle plant? Well, due to its amazing medicinal properties and health benefits it plays an excellent home remedy for you.

Aloe vera contains approximately 200 components which are active in their properties. The leaf is filled with a clear gel-like substance which contains approximately 99% of water. The fleshy stem containing aloe vera juice is a powerhouse of antioxidants, antibiotics and work as a stimulant for cell regeneration. This miracle drink contains vitamins, minerals, polysaccharide, fatty acids which work in a wide range of conditions such as maintaining cholesterol levels, improving digestion & reducing the severity of diabetes.

You would be surprised to know that Aloe works as a secret weapon as it contains polysaccharide which is an active ingredient with numerous features including assisting the body fluid to flow, ensures a gas exchange in lungs and facilitating the flow of water, electrolytes, and nutrients in your body which in turn plays a role in solving the problems like joint pain, lower back pain, poor digestion & malabsorption of food.

Weight Loss With Aloe Vera Juice

You can power your weight loss with aloe vera juice. With impaired sugar metabolism, there would be a tendency for you to increase weight this is because you cannot give up from having sweets. Aloe vera juice works by improving your digestion & detoxifies your body by lightening the toxic load and gives you more energy.

The best way to extract aloe vera juice from leaves is to:
-Thoroughly wash the leaves
-Remove the upper skin
-Grind the leaves
-Extract the juice,
-Filter it & refrigerate it.
It may sometimes taste bitter so you can add honey to it which helps you in improving your digestion and also in the case of constipation.

Aloe, which is called ‘the catalyst of metabolism’ is also called ‘ nature’s soothing plant’  and is now increasingly being recommended in weight loss diet clinics. You just have to drink 1 Oz.(30 ml) of aloe vera juice about 15 minutes before meals for an effective weight loss.  So enjoy this best nutritious drink while driving towards healthy life…stay blessed & LiveLifeMore.

How To Make A Perfect Cup Of Green Tea

How To Make A Perfect Cup Of Green Tea

Green tea can help you lose weight if brewed in the right way

The flavonoids and caffeine in green tea can help

  • Elevate metabolic rate
  • Increase fat oxidation
  • Improve insulin activity

You don’t need to drink many many cups of green tea to help you lose weight.
By drinking as little as 2.5 cups of green tea per day can help you boost up your metabolism.

Some green tea varieties are better for weight loss than others.
Matcha green tea, is the richest green tea source of nutrients and antioxidants. For maximum benefits have whole leaf green tea.

Green tea has many other health benefits too.
Green tea contains many nutrients, antioxidants and anti-cancer and brain-health enhancing compounds.


Courtesy: LifeHack

How to make A Perfect Cup Of Green Tea

Brew it right…

1.Bring your water to a boil

2.Let it rest for about five minutes.

3.Then, pour the water over the tea and let it brew for about one minute before serving.

(The steeping time can be shorter or longer, according to your taste.)

4.Do take a extra care, as boiling water can harmfully affect the precious catechins (tea’s healthy chemicals).

Tips For a Perfect Cup Of Green Tea

Water Should Be Hot But Not Boiling

Green tea if brewed with hot but not boiling water will brew up pleasantly tasty. Ideal temperature of water should be between 160 and 180 degrees.

Bring your water to a boil, remove it from the heat and wait for 2 to 3 minutes before pouring it over the tea leaves.

Which is Better?

Bags, Powders and Loose Leaves…!

Whole green tea leaves have more antioxidants and weight loss benefits but have to be brewed rightly. Green tea bags are more convenient and easy to use.

Add On A Splash of Lemon

Adding fresh lemon juice into a cup of green tea enhances the flavor.

Give It A Hint of Mint

Adding  sprigs of fresh mint or spearmint to your tea leaves before pouring the hot water can really enhance the taste of your green tea.

Dash It With Cinnamon

Ground cinnamon or cinnamon sticks can also be used to flavor up a cup of green tea.

Add Jasmine Flowers

You can add dried jasmine flowers to any green tea to make your own remarkable cup.

Can Ice It

If served cold, bitter characteristics are reduced and flavor is improved for some people. Flavorings such as mint, ginger and lemon or lime can be added.

Be careful and wise enough not to pile on the honey or sugar!

Sip Up, Slim Down And Gain Good Health With Green tea

8 Health Benefits of Nuts

8 Health Benefits of Nuts



What Are Nuts?

Nuts are technically fruits, which aren’t sweet and are high in calories and fat.

Nuts Are Excellent Source of Many Precious Nutrients

One handful or approximately 30 grams of mixed nuts contains

  • Calories: 173
  • Protein: 5 g
  • Fat: 16 g
  • Fiber: 3 g

Nuts are also rich sources of vitamin E, copper, magnesium, and selenium.

Nuts Are Power House Of Antioxidants

Help control free radicals which are produced in your body response to heavy ageing, sun exposure, stress, pollution and other causes.
Polyphenols in nuts protect your cells.
Polyphenols protect cells and good cholesterol from damage.

Nuts Can Help You Lose Weight

Almonds and pistachios promote weight loss.
Nuts help promote weight loss as the body doesn’t absorb all the calories in nuts.

Nuts Lower Cholesterol and Triglycerides Levels

Pistachios help to lower triglycerides in obese and diabetic patients.
The high content of mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids help to lower total cholesterol and triglycerides.
Almonds and walnuts build up good cholesterol.

Nuts Are Beneficial In Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome

Nuts  help to normalize blood sugar, blood pressure, and others health issues.
Help to manage the metabolic syndrome by reducing the cholesterol levels.

Nuts Reduce Inflammation

Nuts help in reducing inflammation.
People with diabetes, kidney disease, and other serious health conditions are benefitted if appropriate nuts are consumed.

Nuts Are Excellent Sources Of  Fiber

Nuts are very good for healthy gut bacteria.
Nuts help you feel full soon, so very good for diet watchers.
Nuts reduce the number of calories absorbed from meals.

Nuts Can Reduce Your Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke

Nuts are extremely good for your heart.
Nuts can significantly lower risk of heart attack and stroke. Nuts improve artery function and have many other benefits for heart health.

Go Nuts…Why!
Nuts Are Nutrient Packed, Delicious, Versatile and Universally Available…..