How to Make a Perfect Avocado Smoothie – Health Recipes

How to Make a Perfect Avocado Smoothie – Health Recipes

Boost Your Immunity:

How To Make Perfect Avocado Smoothie

Health Dose… Nut butter is for extra protein, Avocado for healthy fats and richness, Flaxseed for fiber, and naturally sweet taste from bananas

How To Make Avocado Smoothie

How to Make a Perfect Avocado Smoothie


  • 1/4 ripe avocado
  • 1/2 ripe banana
  • 10-12 leaves of spinach
  • 1 cup skimmed milk or any almond milk
  • 1 tbsp flaxseed ground
  • 1 tbsp almond or peanut butter


  1. Blend The Ingredients In A Mixer
  2. Garnish With Seeds Like Pumpkin & Chia.
  3. Serve Cold

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Health Recipes

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How to Make a Perfect Avocado Smoothie – Health Recipes

How to Make a Perfect Avocado Smoothie – Health Recipes

Boost Your Immunity: How To Make Perfect Avocado SmoothieHealth Dose... Nut butter is for extra protein, Avocado for healthy fats and richness, Flaxseed for fiber, and naturally sweet taste from bananasHow To Make Avocado SmoothieIngredients 1/4 ripe avocado 1/2 ripe...


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Importance Of Macronutrients In Weight Loss

Importance Of Macronutrients In Weight Loss

Lose weight, increase your performance and build muscles fast.

Accomplish all of these without sacrificing your favorite foods or carefully observing every calorie you eat.

Importance Of Macronutrients In Weight Loss

Macronutrients counting or macro counting can help you with all of that. Macro counting concentrates on diet quality, rather than calorie intake. This can decrease the chances of getting health complications and make losing weight easier and faster.

Today, you’ll learn:

  1. What are macronutrients?
  2. The role of protein
  3. The role of carbohydrates
  4. The role of fats
  5. How to lose weight: counting macros
  6. The benefits of macro counting

What are macronutrients?

Macronutrients or macros are essential nutrients your body needs for energy. They are called macros because they are consumed in large amounts. Macronutrients are the primary building blocks of your diet. Your body has three types of macros:

  1. Protein
  2. Carbohydrate
  3. Fat

We couldn’t survive without these macros, because of the lack of energy. However, they don’t provide the same amount of energy for our bodies (1). You can see the energy provided by each one below:

  • 1 gram of protein = 4 calories
  • 1 gram of carb = 4 calories
  • 1 gram of fat    = 9 calories

That’s why if you want to lose weight, you should clearly know what you are feeding to your body. When you eat a lot of fat, you accumulate a lot of energy. When you don’t use this energy, it’ll get stored in your body as fat. That’s why most people who eat junk food are fat.

Let’s take a deeper look at those three macronutrients. We’ll start with the first one, which can help you burn fat – protein.

The Role of Protein

protein sources

Protein is essential for keeping you healthy. Protein provides the building blocks from which your body can grow and repair. It’s not just in your muscles, but also in every cell in your body, from bones to skin and hair.

16% of your body weight is from protein (2). So it’s crucial to have enough of it if you want to be healthy, retain your muscles and lose weight. It can also reduce hunger and boost metabolism, so you can start losing weight more easily (3).

Protein provides you with some essential amino acids, which your body can’t create. There’re also all hormones and other substances such as antibodies created from protein. You must include protein in your diet.

Some of the best protein sources are:

  1. Meat
  2. Fish
  3. Eggs
  4. Beans
  5. Nuts
  6. Grains
  7. Soy

Let’s now look at the main source of energy – carbohydrates.

The Role of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for your body. They’re essential for your brain function and nervous & immune system. Carbs are the fuel for your body and should make up for 45% – 65% of calories.

There’re three types of carbohydrates:

fructose fruit sugar diet plan

  1. Sugar – This is the simplest form of carb. There’re many types of sugar such as fructose (fruit sugar), lactose (milk sugar) and sucrose (table sugar). You can get these sugars from foods like fruits, vegetables, and milk.
  2. Starch – This type of sugar is complex. It can be found in foods such as potatoes, rice or pasta. Fiber – The last type of carb is fiber. This is also a complex carb. It can be found naturally in fruit, veggies, or whole grains.

Now you may ask: What’s the difference between complex and simple carbs?

dairy products

  1. Simple carbs – Simple carbohydrates are sugars. They’re made from small molecules of one or two monosaccharides. You can imagine simple carbs like quick-burning fuel. Your body can break them down extremely fast and they provide you with instant energy. However, any sugar which is not used is converted into fat. You can find simple carbs in foods like dairy products, fruit or certain vegetable.
  2. Complex carbs – Complex carbohydrates are oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. They’re made from more complex chains of molecules of sugar. Therefore your body takes longer to digest them. However, most of the foods, which contain complex carbs contain also vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They don’t have an immediate impact on blood sugar, which can be beneficial for type 2 diabetes (4). You can find complex carbs in foods like whole grains, beans, starchy vegetables like potatoes.

It’s important to have the right amount of carbohydrates in your diet. Carbs can provide you with many benefits such as:

  1. More energy
  2. Better immune system
  3. Weight control

Let’s look at the last macronutrient – fat.

The Role of Fats

There’re many types of fats. Some are healthy and some can lead to health problems. The fat you get from food is called dietary fat. However, your body can also create its own fat. Usually, it’s created from calories – unused energy.

Fats similarly like carbs provide your body with energy. It’s essential for your body as much as other nutrients. However, there’re also unhealthy fats, which may play a role in cardiovascular diseases (5).

Fat is also high in calories, which may lead to obesity. Excessive fat is bad for your body. Try to balance it out and choose healthy fats instead of unhealthy ones.

There’re many types of fat, these include:

Unhealthy Fats

Unhealthy fats are harmful to your body. They can lead to complications and you should limit their intake. There’re two categories of unhealthy fats:

Unhealthy Fats

  1. Saturated fat – This type of fat can be found in meat, ham, sausage, products from animals and dairy products that can solidify on refrigeration. It increases both your “bad cholesterol” (LDL) and “good cholesterol” (HDL) levels. This may lead to cardiovascular complications (6).
  2. Trans fat – Trans fats are mostly created from oils through the food processing method in food processing factories. This method is called hydrogenation and creates partially hydrogenated fats. These fats may lead to an increase in LDL (bad cholesterol0 and a decrease in HDL (good cholesterol) (7). This can increase the risk of getting cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks & strokes.

Healthy Fats

There’re also fats which can be beneficial, these are healthy fats. They are:

  1. Monosaturated fatty acids – This type of fat can be found in oils such as olive oil. This type of fat can reduce your cholesterol, which decreases the chances of having cardiovascular problems or type 2 diabetes (8).
  2. Polyunsaturated fatty acids – This type of fat can be found in oils as well as in plant-based foods. It has similar effects like monosaturated fatty acids. It decreases your blood cholesterol which leads to a lower risk of getting type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (9).
  3. Omega-3 fatty acids – The last type of fat is also polyunsaturated. However, it’s made mainly from omega-3 fatty acids. It can be found in fatty fish and may be beneficial for your health. It decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease such as coronary artery disease (10).

Some fats may help you, while others may harm. It’s important to know which ones to consume so you can avoid complications and decrease the risks of cardiovascular diseases.

Below are a few recommendations about fat intake:

  1. Try to avoid or minimize trans fat
  2. Replace saturated fats and unhealthy fats with healthy ones
  3. Limit unhealthy fats to less than 10% of all calories

You have now fully understood all three macronutrients. Let’s look at how you can leverage this knowledge and lose weight fast.

How to Lose Weight Fast By Counting Macros

Counting calories is simple, however, it takes some time. But everybody can use this method and make losing weight easier and faster. Let’s get to the actual steps.

What are your calorie needs?

If you want to calculate how many calories your body needs, you need to determine two things:

Counting macronutrients for faster weight loss

  1. Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) – how much calories you burn while resting
  2. Non-resting Energy Expenditure (NREE) – how much calories your burn while you’re not resting

There’re many tools on the internet, which can help you calculate it. These two things – REE & NREE – are determined by age, height, and weight. You can calculate it here.

When you sum these two you get total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). This can tell you how many calories can you eat to lose weight or build muscles. After you get the results, you can go to the next step.

Figure Out Your Macro Ration

You need to find out what works for you. People vary from each other so you need to find out what suits your needs. However, there’re some macronutrients recommendations, these are (11):

  • Carbs: 45% – 65% of total calories
  • Protein:  10% – 35% of total calories
  • Fat: 20% – 35% of total calories

There’re many different diets, which can help you achieve your goals whether it’s weight loss or building muscles. These can be diets such as keto diet where you have very low carb intake, you can learn more about it here.

The most important thing is to try what fits your body and preferences, so you can achieve your goals faster and without any adverse effects upon your health in the long run.

Track Your Macros

This is the last step – tracking your macronutrients.

You want to track the foods you eat through a variety of different apps. These can help you calculate macronutrients from the foods you eat. You can then see if you need to adjust your diet or not.

Some of the most popular apps are: Lose It!, My Macros+ or MyFitnessPal.

Then all you need to do is hit your daily macro goals. There’re also many benefits linked with macronutrients counting. We’ll talk about them in the next section.

The Benefits of Macro Counting

Macronutrients counting can provide you with many benefits. Let’s look at some of them.

Diet Quality

When you concentrate on macro counting rather than calorie intake, you can improve your diet quality.

You may eat foods with similar calorie intake, but they may vary in macronutrient content. An example of this can be a bowl of sugary cereal and a bowl of oats with berries and pumpkin seeds. The calorie intake is similar, but they are different in macronutrient content.

However, some unhealthy foods can fit into your macros. Try to avoid them and stick with healthy foods for the highest diet quality.

Lose Weight Faster

weight loss macronutrients quality diet plan

Macro counting can be useful when you want to lose weight. This is because there’re many diets, which can help you lost weight with some macro ratios. For example, certain weight-loss diets promote high-protein or low-carb intake.

With macro counting, you can stick with it easily. Research also says that tracking macros can also help you with long-term weight maintenance.

Reach Your Performance Goals

Counting macronutrients can be also beneficial if you want to achieve fitness goals. It’s essential if you need to consume a specific amount of macronutrient to achieve fitness goals.

These may be things such as building muscles, shredding or boost in performance.

An example of this can be building muscles. Research shows that if you want to build muscles you can consume up to 3.1 grams of protein per kg of your bodyweight (12).

Macronutrient counting can help you effectively achieve these goals and needs.

Final Thoughts

Knowing your macronutrients and counting them may bring you many benefits. It’s great for achieving your weight loss goals, but it can also help you with building muscles and performance.

It’s a lot better than just counting calories because you concentrate more on the quality of diet rather than calorie intake. However, keep in mind that calorie intake is very important.

If you want to lose weight you must make sure that your calorie intake is lower than calories burned.

But, be careful. Macro counting isn’t for everyone. If you have a history of eating disorders, you probably shouldn’t do it. This is because you put so much emphasis on counting your calories and macros, which can eventually lead you back to eating disorders.

Counting macronutrients can be a difficult and overwhelming task to do at the beginning. It can be hard to change your food choices and eat healthy while tracking your macros. But don’t worry…

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Changing your diet isn’t an easy task to do. There are many pitfalls. You need to be very careful and if you mess it up, you may worsen your health.

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Total Macronutrient Intake, Energy Expenditure, and Net Energy Stores

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Inadequate Dietary Protein Increases Hunger and Desire to Eat in Younger and Older Men

Simple versus complex carbohydrate use in the diabetic diet

Saturated Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease: Replacements for Saturated Fat to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk

Saturated Fat: Part of a Healthy Diet.

Industrial Trans Fatty Acid and Serum Cholesterol: The Allowable Dietary Level

High-monounsaturated-fat diets for patients with diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis.

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease: Are There Benefits?

New dietary reference intakes for macronutrients and fibre

International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: protein and exercise.

Boosting your immune system against Coronavirus: How to improve immunity and minimize the risk of infection?

Boosting your immune system against Coronavirus: How to improve immunity and minimize the risk of infection?

Many people ask me…and if you also are wondering…

  • How can I boost my immune system?
  • How can I boost my immune system to fight viral infections?
  • What vitamin is good for the immune system?
  • Is there a shot to boost the immune system?
  • What are the foods that weaken the immune system?
  • What vitamins can boost my immune system?
  • Does drinking alcohol decrease the immune system?

Let’s learn about….

Boosting your immune system against Coronavirus Covid-19

Covid – 19 or Coronavirus was declared as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. The entire world is grappling with the dangers that this virus is posing to humanity, there are few measures that individuals can take to fight this pandemic.

There are also certain measures to improve your immunity which is of utmost importance at this juncture.

Individuals with pre-existing illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory issues are at a higher risk of having COVID -19 complications. It also aggravates with age as the immunity reduces as one gets older. In the younger generation, with no underlying illnesses, COVID -19 can result in a minor infection, provided one has a strong.

Here is a list of measures you can undertake to improve your immunity.

Improve Your Diet

The food you eat plays a key aspect in determining your overall health and immunity. Eat low carb diets, as this will help control high blood sugar and pressure.  A low carb diet will help slow down diabetes and focus on a protein-rich diet to keep you in good shape.

1. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a crucial participant in the army of immunity. It helps prevent the common cold and flu. It acts as a powerful antioxidant and protects us against damage induced by oxidative stress. For severe infections, including sepsis and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), vitamin C treatment has been shown to significantly improve symptoms in patients.

2. Vitamin D
Vitamin D supplements have a protective effect against respiratory tract infections. In India most of the people are deficient in Vitamin-D, but it is a fat soluble vitamin, so it’s best to consult with a doctor about taking a Vitamin D supplement to boost immune response.

3. Zinc
Zinc is an important component to WBC (white blood corpuscles) which fights infections. Zinc deficiency often makes one more prone to flu, cold and other viral infections. It is advisable to take a zinc supplement, especially for older people.

4. Elderberry
Elderberries are rich in nutrients including minerals like phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper and vitamins, such as vitamin A, B, and C, proteins and dietary fibre. These have antibacterial and antiviral qualities which help fight cold and influenza.

5. Turmeric and Garlic
Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which boosts the immune function. Garlic has powerful anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties which enhances body immunity.

Along with maintaining a healthy lifestyle and taking supplements, the Indian health ministry has suggested few organic and natural ways to practise as preventive measures to fight COVID-19.

Practical Tips:

1. Regularly consume vegetables and fruits rich in Beta carotene, Ascorbic acid & other essential vitamins. Certain foods like mushrooms, tomato, bell pepper and green vegetables like broccoli, spinach are also good options to build resilience in the body against infections.
2. Have supplements rich in omega 3 & 6 fatty acids for your daily dose. Some natural immunity supplements include ginger, gooseberries (amla) and turmeric. Most of these superfoods are common ingredients in Indian dishes and snacks.
3. There are several herbs that help in boosting immunity like garlic, basil leaves (Tulsi) and black cumin. Certain seeds and nuts like sunflower seeds, flax seed, pumpkin seeds and melon seeds are excellent sources of protein and vitamin E.
4. Probiotics like yoghurt, Yakult and fermented food are also excellent sources to rejuvenate the composition of gut bacteria, which is important for nutrient absorption by the body. These are good options for the older generation too.

Other Lifestyle Tips

1. Take Appropriate Sleep

Good Sleep

Good sleep time for 7-8 hours is the best way to help your body to build immunity, inadequate sleep will leave you tired and impair your brain activity. The lack of sleep will prevent the body from replenishing energy and this will impair other bodily functions that will have negative impact on your immunity.

2. Stay Hydrated

Water Helps Build Muscle Tone

Drink more than 8-10 glasses of water every day, to stay hydrated. Water will help flush out the toxins from the body and lower the chances of getting infection. You may include juices made of citrus fruits and coconut water, to beat the heat and boost immunity.

3. Don’t Skip Exercise

A good diet and an exercise routine is very important. Do exercise regularly, even light exercise will go a long way in releasing the toxins from your body. It is strongly recommended to exercise for 30 to 45 minutes, depending on your stamina.

If you are not in a habit of exercising yet, then it is a good time to start. Regular exercise improves metabolism, which has a direct positive relation with immunity.

4. Destress Yourself

You might have experienced at some time specially, during these times, a prolonged period of staying indoors has its implications on your mental wellbeing. Anxiety, restlessness and stress around the pandemic is another concern that is affecting millions across the world. There are few steps we can follow regularly to help relieve our stress, stress is known to have an adverse effect on immunity.

5. Practice meditation


Stress releases the hormone known as cortisol, which impairs the response to immediate surroundings and makes your body more susceptible to infections, you feel constantly anxious. The best way to relieve stress is through meditation, it is a tried and tested activity to calm the nerves

6. Avoid Smoking, alcohol and other addictive substances

Certain habits like smoking, alcohol consumption and substance abuse have a direct relation between weakened body defences and respiratory illnesses. Active and passive smoking has proven to weaken your lung capacity and destroy the cells lining your respiratory tracts, these cells are crucial to fight viruses that enter through your nasal orifices. It has been proven that individuals who engage in heavy alcohol consumption tend to suffer from ARDS (Acute Respiratory distress syndrome) which is one of the conditions caused by Covid 19 infection.

7. Avoid Travelling

Avoid all kinds of non-essential travels. Avoid being exposed to the public transport system and public places to avoid any likelihood of exposure. Just in case you have to travel, make sure to cover your nose and mouth with a mask and carry an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, at all times. Don’t forget to sanitize each time you touch a surface, as Covid 19 strain can stay on surfaces for a few hours to days. Remember to use your non-dominant hand while accessing the doorknobs and handles, as these are frequently touched by many people.

The Ministry of AYUSH has recommended the following self-care guidelines as preventive measures and to improve immunity with special reference to respiratory health.

  • Prefer warm water throughout the day.
  • Practice Meditation, Yogasana, and Pranayama.
  • Increase the use of Turmeric, Cumin, Coriander and garlic.
  • Drink herbal tea or decoction of Holy basil(Tulsi), Cinnamon, Black pepper, Dry Ginger and Raisin.
  • Avoid sugar and replace it with jaggery if needed.
  • Apply Ghee (clarified butter), Sesame oil, or Coconut oil in both the nostrils to keep the nostrils clean.
  • Inhale steam with Mint leaves and Cumin seeds.

All the above-mentioned tips will definitely help, the need of the hour is a quick boost to your immunity system to keep it fighting fit.

Most important of all…
The battle against the Covid-19 pandemic is fought by our health care workers, we can do our bit by limiting our exposure to the virus by staying indoors, social distancing, eating healthy, hydrating, and following basic hygiene protocol.

All About Belly Fat – 10 Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat FAST Based on Evidence

All About Belly Fat – 10 Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat FAST Based on Evidence

Did you know that 2 out of 3 people are obese or overweight?

Belly fat is also known as pot belly or abdominal obesity or adiposity increases the chances of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart disease – the world’s deadliest disease.

Fortunately, there a few tips & tricks which can help you reduce belly fat fast. Below are the 10 best ways to prevent and reduce belly fat:

Having excessive weight is harmful, but having excessive BELLY FAT is even more dangerous. People who have extra belly fat have double the risk of dying prematurely. There a few tips & tricks which can help you reduce belly fat fast. Below are the 10 best ways to prevent and reduce belly fat:

  1. Eat protein-rich food
  2. Eat plenty of soluble fiber
  3. Eat omega 3 fatty acid-rich foods
  4. Avoid trans-fat foods
  5. Belly Fat and Alcohol
  6. Lifestyle Changes for Losing Belly Fat
  7. Cut back on carbs
  8. Exercise regularly
  9. Decrease stress
  10. Get Sufficient Sleep

In today’s blog, you’ll learn how to reduce belly fat and how to prevent it. You’ll learn:

  1. What is belly fat?
  2. How much belly fat is normal?
  3. What belly fat depicts in terms of the dangerous visceral fat?
  4. Belly fat problems: Dangers that can be avoided
  5. What causes belly fat
  6. Best ways to lose belly fat fast

What Is Belly Fat?

Belly fat

Fat is important for our bodies. It keeps us warm, protects vital organs, and gives your body energy. Although it’s healthy to have some body fat, not all fats are equal.

There are two types of fat in your belly:

  1. Subcutaneous fat – lies directly below the skin. It’s between the skin and the abdomen wall.
  2. Visceral fat – commonly known as a dangerous fat. It’s located deep in your belly.

How Much Belly Fat Is Normal?

If you have some belly fat, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a lot of visceral fat. However, when you have more than a normal percentage of fat and apple-shaped figure, you should do something about it.

Having 18% – 22% of fat for men and 26% – 31% is considered normal. Anything above means you have excessive fat in your body.

What belly fat depicts in terms of the dangerous visceral fat?

The most accurate way to measure visceral fat is with a CT or MRI scan. However, it’s very expensive and time-consuming. There’s also a cheaper, faster, and a little less accurate way.

Visceral fat evaluated

To know if you’re at risk try measuring your waist size. It may be not as accurate, but can be a good pointer. There’re different numbers for women and men.

  • If you’re a woman and your waist is 35 inches or larger, you’re at risk
  • If you’re a man and your waist is 40 inches or larger, you’re at risk

Visceral fat is evaluated in scale from 1 – 59 when diagnosed with an MRI scan. Healthy levels are under 13. If your results are 13 or more, immediate action is required.

Belly Fat Problems: Dangers that can be avoided

Having too much fat makes you look worse. However, this is the least problem with excessive fat. Having a high-fat percentage, especially visceral fat puts you in danger of getting deadly diseases. These include:

  1. Heart attack & heart disease
  2. Type 2 diabetes
  3. Breast cancer
  4. Alzheimer’s disease
  5. Stroke

Belly Fat Problems

These are some of the deadliest diseases causing premature deaths of millions worldwide. When you have a lot of abdominal fat, your organs are covered by fat.

This leads to improper function of organs, such as lowering insulin sensitivity in the liver. It also increases the clogging up of arteries and leads to heart problems.

The worst part is, the more weight you gain, and the more fat you have, the higher the chances of getting them. It’s very important to lose belly fat and keep in shape to stay healthy and live a longer life.

What Causes Belly Fat?

Whether you want to look and feel better or just avoid complications, keeping a normal belly fat percentage is key. There’re a few things you should limit or avoid to keep your belly fat at normal. These include:

  1. Poor diet – The most important factor is your diet. An unhealthy diet can cause weight gain, slow metabolism, and reduce fat burning.
  2. Lack of physical activity – The concept of losing fat is simple. You need to burn more calories than you eat. However, if your energy intake through diet is over and above your metabolic needs and your activity level, you add up calories and store them in the form of fat. This leads to weight gain.
  3. Poor sleep – Sleep resets the stress hormones which aggravate when we are awake and recovers our bodies. These hormones also play a role in weight gain and belly fat. Insufficient sleep decreases the quality of your life and makes you unhappy. This may lead to emotional eating and belly fat.
  4. Smoking – Although the percentage of obesity in smokers and non-smokers is the same, smokers have more belly and visceral fat. Even though it’s not a direct cause, it’s a risk factor you should consider.
  5. Stress – Cortisol is a hormone, which helps your body deal with stress. Unfortunately, it also slows down your metabolism. People in stress are more likely to reach for food to comfort their needs. This leads to more belly fat and weight gain.

These are common causes of many complications. The key to losing belly fat is to live a healthy and enjoyable life.

All of these tips may be helpful but won’t help you that much. If you want to lose belly fat or prevent it, you must consult it with your doctor or your dietitian. Building a diet plan for belly fat loss and implementing lifestyle changes can make all the difference.

Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat Fast

There’re many ways to burn belly fat, which you’ll learn more about in the next sections. However, it’s important to remember that you shouldn’t rush it. 

Losing belly fat is a long-term process, not a few days’ quick-fix solution. Find the balance between things below, set realistic goals and lose belly fat.

How to Burn Belly Fat with Diet

Your diet plays the most important role in losing belly fat. It accounts for 80% of all weight loss. No matter how much you exercise, when your diet isn’t right, you won’t burn fat and your hard work in exercise is most likely to fail. The most important thing in any weight loss diet is to ensure optimal nutrition along with a deficit in calories. A well planned personalized diet with adequate vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients is key to a healthy weight loss. However, there’re also a few belly fat burning foods you should include. On the other hand, some cause belly fat. These you should limit or avoid.

The most important thing in any weight loss diet is to ensure optimal nutrition along with a deficit in calories. A well planned personalised diet with adequate vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients is key to a healthy weight loss.

Which Are Belly Fat Burning Foods?

Some foods can make you feel full for longer and boost your metabolism. These are key for losing belly fat and having an enjoyable weight loss journey.

1. Protein-rich Foods

Protein-rich Foods

Protein is one of the most important nutrients for burning fat and weight loss. This is because it releases the fullness hormone, which decreases your appetite and promotes fullness. It’s also great for boosting your metabolism and to retain muscles while losing weight. But it’s especially good for belly fat. People who eat more protein have less belly fat and lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Add high-protein foods to your diet such as:

  1. Meat
  2. Fish
  3. Eggs

2. Eat Plenty of Soluble Fiber

Eat Plenty of Soluble Fiber

Soluble fiber makes you feel full longer and decreases the number of calories your body absorbs from food. This is because of the gel produced by soluble fiber. When you get enough soluble fiber from the diet, it absorbs water and forms a gel. This gel slows down the food as it passes through your digestive system making you feel full longer. What’s even better is, that soluble fiber is especially good for belly fat. Every 10-gram increase in soluble fiber decreased belly fat gain by 3.7% over 5 years (1). Make an effort to include high fiber foods in your diet like:

  1. Avocado
  2. Blackberries
  3. Flax seeds

3. Eat Omega 3 Fatty Acid Rich Foods

Omega 3 Fatty Acid Rich Foods

Omega 3 Fatty Acid rich foods are superbly healthy. Nuts or fatty fish contain omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and can protect you from many diseases. However, they are also great for losing abdomen fat, especially visceral fat. They help you reduce fat around vital organs and that way decreases the chances of severe health complications. Try to get your dose of omega 3 fatty acids by including the following foods, these can be:

  1. Salmon
  2. Sardines
  3. Mackerel
  4. Flaxseeds
  5. Chia seeds
  6. Walnuts
  7. Soybeans
  8. Hemp seeds

Which Foods Cause Belly Fat?

There’re certain foods you should minimize and avoid as much as possible. Most of these are not just full of fat, but they also increase your chances of getting deadly diseases. Foods that cause belly fat are listed below.

4. Foods That Contain Trans Fats

Foods That Contain Trans Fats

Try to avoid or minimize your intake of trans fats. They’re very unhealthy. They’ve been linked with inflammation, insulin resistance, heart disease, and abdominal fat (2) (3). People who ate trans fats gained 33% more belly fat than those who consumed monounsaturated fats. Try to replace trans fats with monounsaturated fats and avoid unhealthy foods that contain saturated fats such as:

  1. Burger
  2. French fries
  3. Popcorn

5. Belly Fat and Alcohol

cut back on your alcohol and drink

We all like to party or have a drink from time to time. While drinking alcohol in small amounts may be beneficial, frequent drinking can be severely harmful. It increases not only your chances of getting health complications, but it also makes you obese. Too much drinking causes belly fat and may lead to obesity (4). Try to cut back on your alcohol and drink only occasionally. That way you stay healthy and lose belly fat.

6. Cut Back on Carbs

Following a low-carb diet or decreasing your carb intake can be very beneficial for losing fat. However, you don’t need to cut back on carbs completely, nor follow a low-carb diet. Just try to replace refined carbs with unprocessed starchy carbs. Whole grains can be a good source for that. Eating whole grains has been linked with a 17% lower chance of having excess abdominal fat. Replace carbs with unprocessed starchy, add whole grains to your diet, and decrease your belly fat.

7. Lifestyle Changes for Losing Belly Fat

Diet is the most important thing to lose belly fat. However, you shouldn’t overlook exercise and lifestyle changes. They play a crucial contributory role too. These lifestyle changes can prolong your life, make you feel better, and help you stay mobile for longer. They can significantly increase the quality of your life while burning excess belly fat.

8. Belly Fat Loss & Exercise

Belly Fat Loss & Stress

Regular physical activity brings a lot of benefits. One of them is losing belly fat. Cardio is one of the most effective types of exercise for losing weight. However, cardio mixed with resistance training brings the biggest results. It also makes sure that you don’t become skinny fat. Skinny fat means normal weight, little muscles, and too much fat. Try to incorporate exercise into your daily schedule and exercise regularly. Remember, the duration and frequency of exercise are more important than intensity.

9. Belly Fat Loss & Stress

reduce stress to lose belly fat

Stress is one of the causes of belly fat. When you’re under stress, your body releases stress hormone – cortisol. High cortisol levels lead to increased appetite and drive abdominal fat storage. What’s even worse is that women with a large waist produce more cortisol in response to stress. This adds even more belly fat around the middle (5). Try reducing stress in your life. Balance your work and free time, participate in fun activities, or practice yoga.

10. Get Sufficient Sleep

Get Sufficient Sleep

Without sleep, we would be all dead. Sleep can drastically affect your life. Getting enough and high-quality sleep can make you feel energized and happy. However, having insufficient sleep may lead to severe complications and depression. The surprising fact is that sleep affects your belly fat too. People who sleep less than 5 hours are significantly more likely to gain weight than those sleeping 7 hours (6). In addition, sleeping 7+ hours ensure you’re getting enough sleep for you to stay healthy. Having a regular sleeping schedule, sleeping for at least 7+ hours, and waking up at the same time can play a role in staying in shape and being healthy.

Belly Fat & Fatty Liver

Belly Fat & Fatty Liver

Fatty liver is becoming more and more common. This is due to rising rates of obese and overweight people. Now, more than 25% of people suffer from fatty liver globally. The liver is the biggest organ in your body and is used to help digest food, store energy and remove poisons like alcohol. However, when there’s too much fat inside it, it may not function properly. Your liver is considered fatty when more than 5% of it is fat. There’re many causes, which may lead to fatty liver. The most common ones are alcohol, obesity, and excess belly fat. However, even if you’re not obese, but have excess belly fat, you’re at risk. Fatty liver has 4 main stages, with the last, most severe – cirrhosis. When you leave it untreated, it may potentially be life-threatening and lead to liver failure. Unfortunately, there’re no medications for belly fat. However, you can treat it naturally! Stop overeating and sitting all day. Start moving, eating healthy, and exercising. That way you lose fat, most importantly visceral fat, and decrease the fat inside the liver. This may lead to the complete curing of fatty liver.


Fat is essential for our well-being. It keeps us warm, gives energy to our body, and protects vital organs. However, excessive amounts of it may be very harmful, especially deep fat – visceral fat in your belly. This type of fat clogs up arteries and covers your organs, which can lead to problems such as decreasing insulin sensitivity. These problems may develop to complications such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, or cancer – the deadliest diseases. Fortunately, there a few tips & tricks which can help you reduce belly fat fast. Below are the 10 best ways to prevent and reduce belly fat:

  1. Eat protein-rich food
  2. Eat plenty of soluble fiber
  3. Eat omega 3 fatty acid-rich foods
  4. Avoid trans-fat foods
  5. Belly Fat and Alcohol
  6. Lifestyle Changes for Losing Belly Fat
  7. Cut back on carbs
  8. Exercise regularly
  9. Decrease stress
  10. Get Sufficient Sleep

All of these tips may be helpful but won’t help you that much. If you want to lose belly fat or prevent it, you must consult it with your doctor or your dietitian. Building a diet plan for belly fat loss and implementing lifestyle changes can make all the difference.

Let’s Fight Belly Fat Together

The Past Can’t Be Changed, The Future Is Yet in Your Power Start your journey of losing belly fat with us. Avoid life-threatening complications, improve your life, balance the work & exercise, and start living healthier and a better life. Having a high percentage of visceral fat can make the quality of your life significantly lower. Burn excess belly fat and:

  1. Lose weight – feel & look better
  2. Reduce the risk of deadly disease – cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes
  3. Become healthier & feel better

Awarded as the best diet and nutrition clinic in Punjab and the only diet & wellness clinic with an internationally certified combo of nutritionists and doctors, we’re guaranteed to bring you results. With more than 46 years of cumulative experience, we have been changing lives worldwide and helping people. It’s time for you to improve yours too.


So How Can I Start?

We’ll start by a short 15 minutes free one-time consultation to see if we can help you or not. Our case selection is very diligent and we only accept those who are serious to improve their health. Our track record & success rate speaks volumes of that. After this free mini telephonic consultation, if we feel that you can follow and we can help you… You are guided about the signing up procedure and then you are invited for a 45-minute detailed consultation in which we take down your personal & family history, medical conditions, etc. There, we’ll understand all your needs, set goals, and build a plan to achieve them. Then we’ll recommend to you one of our plans for your life-changing journey of health to begin. After that, all you need to do is follow your plan, lose belly fat, and improve your life.


Choose Your Journey

“Very Satisfying consultation about my weight loss with DT Pallavi Jassal ….she is very motivating, a good guide and soft-spoken. That is what a health coach should be like. Ideal…must consult her.”
Namita Sethi For Weight Loss ★★★★★

“I joined Dt. Pallavi on the recommendation of a top-notch endocrinologist and thanks to him to have sent me to Dr. Pallavi. My liver function tests were all very bad but after Dr. Pallavi’s diet, all are within normal range and ABOVE all a weight loss of 10 kg*. My looks and my confidence has improved. I thank Dr. Pallavi for valuable contribution in my life..”
Suman Lata For Diet Therapy, Slimming★★★★★

Come and join thousands of our happy customers and become a member of the community of healthy people. Prolong your life, lose weight, burn belly fat, and LiveLifeMore.

You’re just a few clicks away from your better future. Come to the clinic or book an online-session from the comfort of your home and set yourself on the path of eliminating belly fat.



Belly Fat Doubles Death Risk
Comprehensive Evaluation for Obesity: Beyond Body Mass Index
Association of Changes in Abdominal Fat and Cardiovascular Risk Factors
The role of protein in weight loss and maintenance.
Normal protein intake is required for body weight loss and weight maintenance, and elevated protein intake for additional preservation of resting energy expenditure and fat-free mass.
Dietary fiber decreases the metabolizable energy content and nutrient digestibility of mixed diets fed to humans.
Lifestyle Factors and 5-Year Abdominal Fat Accumulation in a Minority Cohort: The IRAS Family Study
The dietary omega-3 fatty acids aid in the modulation of inflammation and metabolic health.
Dietary intake of trans fatty acids and systemic inflammation in women.
Dietary fat intake and risk of coronary heart disease in women: 20 years of follow-up of the nurses’ health study.
Trans fat diet induces abdominal obesity and changes in insulin sensitivity in monkeys.
Relationship of abdominal obesity with alcohol consumption at a population scale.
Whole- and refined-grain intakes are differentially associated with abdominal visceral and subcutaneous adiposity in healthy adults: the Framingham Heart Study. Minireview: glucocorticoids–food intake, abdominal obesity, and wealthy nations in 2004.
Stress-induced cortisol response and fat distribution in women.
Sleep duration, general and abdominal obesity, and weight change among the older adult population of Spain.
Association between reduced sleep and weight gain in women.

Should We Be Weight Conscious OR Health Conscious?

Should We Be Weight Conscious OR Health Conscious?

Should We Be Weight Conscious OR Health Conscious?

by LiveLifeMore.Com

Health Motivational Quote – WOW (Wisdom Of Wellness) Powered By Live Life More Diet & Wellness Clinic

If the thought of losing weight yet again is leaving you overwhelmed, try changing your mindset from weight conscious to health-conscious.

Our Experts

Dr. Sandeep Jassal

Wellness Consultant Family Physician
(Motivational Speaker and Health Mentor)

Dt. Pallavi Jassal

Chief Consultant Diet, Nutrition & Natural Health
(Internationally Certified Nutritionist by Canadian Society of Nutrition Management)

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Abhishek Mehta For Weight Loss* Treatment

“Pallavi Madam is a great dietician,from the past 1 month i am with her & really enjoying my diet.She keeps a balance of what i like & what i have to eat in order to reduce, she’s like a friend more than a mentor. 😁😋”

Ritu Kashyap For Weight Loss* Treatment

“Dr Pallavi is my savior….its just been three weeks, and am already feeling the difference in my health, confidence and general well being…kudos to her…and my heartfelt thanks… love her..she is sooooo helpful and supportive and a positive person to be around.”

WOW (Wisdom Of Wellness)

Don’t be scared to be alone, Goals are personal – Health Motivational Quote

Don’t be scared to be alone, Goals are personal – Health Motivational Quote

Personalized Diet & Lifestyle Advisory Services

Don’t be scared to be alone. Goals are personal and your journey of health has to be personalized.

Personalized health planning through individualized nutrition & lifestyle is important as each individual is having different genetic makeup, disease risk factors, blood reports, personal habits, and health parameters.

Health Motivational Quote – WOW (Wisdom Of Wellness) Powered By Live Life More Diet & Wellness Clinic