Pomegranates help your body in many ways. Find out 9 best benefits of pomegranates for your healthy...
Want to live longer? Sitting more may result in living less, so move more
New research suggests 60 to 75 minutes of daily moderate-intensity physical activity is needed to combat the dangers...
An Apple a Day May Keep Osteoporosis Away
Ever thought how beneficials can apple be in keeping your bones strong & healthy? Let us elaborate that for you....
Why walking is necessary?
Good information that can help you Live Life More... Ever wondered what happens to your body when you start walking as...
8 Herbs and Spices to Nail Down a Sweet Tooth
Sugar is extremely addictive, and the more of it you eat, the more you crave, and this is a scientifically proven...
Asthma – Self-care & Lifestyle Changes
Although many people with asthma rely on medications to relieve symptoms and control inflammation, you can do several...
Health Talk on Diet & Nutrition with Dt. Pallavi Jassal – Hamdard TV
‘World Health Day’ WOW – Wisdom of Wellness – Workshops at Aircel & Tech Mahindra Regional offices
LiveLifeMore Team was invited to deliver 4 talks on the occasion of World Health Day, 2016 by AIRCEL & Tech...
When do you need vitamin supplements-Dietitian Pallavi Jassal
So, now you are done with the exchange of greetings on International Woman’s Day…here come the very best wishes laden...
Diet for Kids in Exam Days by Dietitian Pallavi Jassal
Healthy nutrition tips to improve your exam performance by boosting your brain and healthy lifestyle with the...
Green Tea- Know 12 reasons to drink this ‘Super Drink’
If you drink green tea and if you are trying to improve your health or drop a few pounds, this ‘super-drink’ deserves...
Walnuts- the King of nuts
Full of nutrients like Omega-3 fats, Manganese, Copper, Molybdenum and Biotin. Promote a healthy heart and circulatory...