8 Nutritional Health Benefits of Eggs that you should know

8 Nutritional Health Benefits of Eggs that you should know

Eating more eggs is a super way to boost your health as they are packed with rich nutrients. Eggs are inexpensive & yet a very good source of high-quality protein. The amazing nutrients include vitamin B2, fat, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron,...

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8 Healthier Strange Tips About Coconut Water

8 Healthier Strange Tips About Coconut Water

To feel cool in the scorching sun we all need to rehydrate & refresh our senses. The green soft tree-nuts ‘COCONUTS’ have cropped up everywhere. These are undoubtedly a tender, green, nutritious water- filled nature's gift. We all know about the benefits of its...

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Eggceptionally Tasty and Healthy

Eggceptionally Tasty and Healthy

Eggs Sunday ho ya Monday roz khao Anday – the jingle rhymes well and has a great message. As an egg a day provides you with all the necessary nutrition required for the day. Treat yourself with an omelet for the breakfast or gulp a boiled one. Choice is yours. Eggs as...

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Are Diet Biscuits Helpful in Weight Loss?

Are Diet Biscuits Helpful in Weight Loss?

One regular biscuit, not a diet biscuit, contains 73 calories, 2.6 grams of simple sugars, considerable 3.2 grams of fat and high sodium content gives you about 150 calories!! If you are a Marie biscuit fan, you must know that here are 150 calories in 6 biscuits...

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Lassi vs diet coke – which is safe to drink?

Lassi vs diet coke – which is safe to drink?

The angry summer sun which is unforgiving for you all is uncomfortable to stay and makes you feel restlessness and you don’t feel like going out. But you can enjoy this hottest summer by having refreshing drinks like lassi or chaas , lemonade, watermelon squash etc....

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