The tiny green leaves that crop up when you plant wheat is called wheat grass or Kanak ki ghaas. The nutritive benefits of these leaves were first highlighted by an American chemist, Charles Schnabel in the 1930s and as a result they were labeled as a superfood. The Egyptians considered the leafy wheat blades as a sacred food as they were aware of its power to boost health and vitality. It can easily be grown in pots indoors or outdoors and wheatgrass supplements are available at the departmental stores in the form of juice, powder, tablets, liquid herbal supplements or as raw leaves.  

Wheatgrass is a storehouse of Vitamin A, C, E, K and B6 besides dietary fibre, potassium, niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, iron, zinc, copper and manganese. It is rich in chlorophyll which has similar properties as hemoglobin and boost the oxygen supply to the body cells.

Proponents of this wonder food believe that if consumed either as juice or dietary supplement wheatgrass can:

      Give a boost of enzymes and minerals to the body

      Prevent hair-fall as it is full of elements that build hair follicles

      Improves blood circulation and help regenerate the RBCs

      Prevent inflammation

      Reduce the side effects of chemotherapy

      Helps to slow down the ageing process by decomposing radicals

      Clear the residues of drugs from the body

      Enters the cells and tissues of our body directly and thus neutralize all the toxins

      Cure and reduce typhoid fever, chronic sinusitis, vaginal infections, pyorrhea, heal wounds, fight body odour, restore fertility, improve digestion, psoriasis, dandruff, acne, graying of hair, gum infections, scars, constipation etc.

So, we recommend you drink a glass of wheatgrass juice daily to give a boost to your health and prevent premature graying of hair, prevent baldness, clear acne and add radiance to your skin. Wheatgrass is gluten free and thus can be consumed by those suffering from wheat allergy. Grow these greens in your homes so that you derive maximum benefits from the organic leaves.

Go ahead and make it a part of your diet to increase your strength, endurance and renew the feeling of positivity that comes from physical well being….