Holi, the festival of colours, fun & masti is here. Children & adults are all waiting eagerly to play with their gulaal, colours & pichkaaris. Here are some useful HOLIstic Skin & Hair Care tips to prevent damage during Holi.
Dos & Don’ts for skin care before playing Holi:
What needs to be done?
- Apply a liberal amount of moisturizer on your skin head to toe properly before you start playing with colours. This will create a barrier between your skin and the colour & will also help to remove the colour more easily. Petroleum Jelly or Coconut Oil is a good option.
- Protection yourself from the sun by applying sunscreen lotion on all the exposed body parts liberally.
- Protect your lips with a lip balm with SPF.
- Trimming your nails short and covering them with nail paint or oil can protect them from getting coloured with stubborn Holi colours later.
- Prefer to wear dark coloured full sleeved cotton clothes. Avoid synthetics as they would be sticky after you get wet.
- Drink plenty of water & fresh fruit juices to keep yourself hydrated.
Skin Care After Playing Holi:
- You should avoid excessive hot water for washing of the colour as it may worsen the skin damage caused by the chemical containing colour.
- You should avoid scrubbing or rubbing your skin vigorously to remove the colour as that may worsen the damage & irritation.
- Try to remove the colour by applying oil & gentle rubbing.
The chemical constituents of colours of Holi, water, the sun and finally overzealous cleaning may leave your skin dry. After bathing, pat dry your skin to leave it slightly damp. Apply oil to trap the water on the surface of the skin, hydrate it and keep it soft & supple. Repeat moisturization a few times when your skin becomes dry again.
Who needs to avoid playing with Holi colours?
All those who have recently undergone procedures such as bleaching, waxing, threading, peeling, laser treatments 2-3 days before the Holi day should avoid playing with colours as your skin is more sensitive for some days after these procedures. You should also stop using prescription creams containing hydroquinone, retinoid, benzoyl before the Holi day.
Holistic Hair Care Before Playing Holi:
- Avoid playing Holi with colours if you have undergone hair treatments such as steam, sauna, hair colour 2-3 days before the Holi day.
- Apply a liberal amount of a good oil before you venture out on Holi to avoid the direct contact of Holi colours with the surface the strands of your hair to prevent the damage.
- Avoiding the use of styling gels or creams is a good idea on Holi day.
- If you have long hair then try tying up your hair before playing Holi as loose hair tend to become more frizzy & get tangled making them easy to break.
Holistic Hair Care After Holi:
- Use plain lukewarm water to wash your hair so that the colour can come off easily.
- Use a milder version of shampoo for washing & make it a point to condition your hair after the colour has been removed.
- Avoid combing on a wet scalp & avoid hair dryers. Avoid vigorous rubbing of hair with a towel.
- Once dry, massage hair with liberal oil.
What is to be done if there is itching or redness of skin after playing Holi?
- In spite of taking proper precautions, some people may still have an adverse reaction of colours especially in those with sensitive skin.
- If you feel a burning sensation in the skin or you feel itching in any of your body, then pat which has come in contact with colour, then stop playing immediately, get indoors to a cooler place.
- Rinse with plenty of cold water, pat dry with a soft cloth.
- Don’t be desperate to remove the colour in haste. Rubbing will only irritate the skin more.
- Avoid further sun exposure.
- Apply ice packs.
- Pacify the skin by applying coconut oil.
- Calamine lotion or medicated aloe vera gel can be used if severe burning is severe.
- Consider seeing a Physician or Skin Specialist if the problem persists.
Stay blessed, have fun & Live Life More.