According to Ayurveda, anger is a pitta-type emotion that can cause irritability, insomnia, hypertension, indigestion and other mental nervous imbalances.
Anger itself isn't considered as a disorder, but anger is a known symptom of several mental health conditions.
Have a look at a few ayurvedic herbs and lifestyle practices that can help:
* Try some ayurvedic herbs like: Ashwagandha, Bhringaraj and Gotu kola.
* Avoid Pitta-Aggravating Foods if you're facing such issues.
* Deep breathing can help calm your body and reduce anger.
* Involve yourself in various activities like yoga, walking, swimming, and running that can actually reduce stress and anger.
* Meditation and Pranayama can make a difference as well.
* Manage your diet plan, try making meals from healthy, whole foods, while minimizing processed foods, stimulants, and refined sugars. Minimize the use of extreme spicy food.